The cost of parking

Victoria has been in the news for approving several buildings with minimal parking, with a recent approval of a rental building at Quadra and Fisgard with 4 parking spaces joining a car-free sixplex on Belton...


How did prices respond to higher rates?

We’re over two years from a rise in rates that was in some ways unprecedented in Canada.  It’s not that the magnitude of rates is unusual (they’ve been much higher in the past), but because...


Where the bids are landing

It’s a quiet time in the market between the active spring market and the back to school bump in activity we usually see in September.  Despite prices that are unchanged, incomes that are higher, and...


July: Something of a turning point?

Though July’s 650 sales were up 9% from last year, the reality is the sales rate was unchanged, with the increase entirely due to a couple more business days this year.   The 1319 new listings...



I’m still out of town, but as I lounge by the pool, a quick update on the BC government’s Small Scale Multiunit Housing mandates that were due to be implemented into zoning by June 30th....


July 15 Market Update

A quick update on the week’s market activity since I’m out of town for a couple weeks. July 2024 July 2023 Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Sales 134 285 595 New Listings...


Some housing targets are not like the others

The province has announced that most of our regional municipalities will be subject to housing targets, with timelines starting either last October, this May, or in the near future.  That means municipalities will be required...