Category: Statistics

More on westshore weakness

Last week I mentioned that despite the overall market remaining in a mild sellers market territory, market strength depends on where you’re looking.  Rising rates sideline buyers, but only if those buyers are dependent on...

Feds panic on housing, will it help?

We’re 2 years into the current term of the federal government, and back when they were campaigning for the election, none of the parties had a particularly compelling housing policy.  Many of the promised policies...

Fall market arrives early

Victoria saw a strong week for new listings to start off the fall market.   There were 35% more new resale listings in metro Victoria last week than the same week a year ago, and that...

August: Market stall continues

August ended with 544 sales, up 14% from last year’s total, and 21% below the 10 year average.  Weak sales activity no doubt, though also a remarkable display of resilience given that mortgage rates haven’t...

Priced out forever?

I’ve spilled a lot of virtual ink on affordability on this blog and why I believe it matters.   In short, there are generally two affordability stories:  For condos, affordability has oscillated between bad and good...

Suites and home values

Suites are extremely common in Victoria.  With a stagnation in purpose built rental construction (until recent years), chronically low rental vacancy rates driving rents up, and high house prices that drive many people to mortgage...