Category: News

The Owner Builder Exam

This post is 7 years old. The data and my views may have since evolved.This post is based on the information gathered and work done in this area by Marko Juras. Each year Rich Coleman –...

January 9 Market Update and More on Suites

This post is 7 years old. The data and my views may have since evolved.Weekly stats update courtesy of the VREB. January 2017 Jan  2016 Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Unconditional Sales 65...

2016 Assessments Now Available

This post is 7 years old. The data and my views may have since evolved.Unless you were one of the lucky few thousand that got an early warning about your assessments, you should be getting...

What one hand taketh…

This post is 7 years old. The data and my views may have since evolved.the other hand giveth away. Just when you thought the governments were all aligned to beat down our monster of a...

Foreign Buyer’s Tax Has No Appreciable Effect on Victoria

This post is 8 years old. The data and my views may have since evolved.New stats are out from the Ministry of Finance and they reinforce what we have already noticed:  the foreign buyer tax...

The last month of records?

This post is 8 years old. The data and my views may have since evolved.We got a little distracted there with the mortgage rules and the distinct possibility that you will have to pay capital...

What is the impact of the new mortgage rules?

This post is 8 years old. The data and my views may have since evolved.September monthly numbers are out.  Sales are second only to September 1992 while residential months of inventory and inventory as a...

Birds of a feather

This post is 8 years old. The data and my views may have since evolved.I know this is super late to the party, but my mind still boggles at the CMHC housing market “analysis” they...

Coyote concludes wolf OK to guard henhouse

This post is 8 years old. The data and my views may have since evolved.Update June 29th:  Looks like the province agrees with the assessment that industry self regulation is fundamentally untenable no matter how...